
The school had its last OFSTED Inspection 18-19 September 2008 and we received an outstanding  judgement in all of the areas of inspection.

Parent View is the government’s online system which allows parents to give their views on this school and also allows prospective parents to see what others think. You can access it using the following link below:



Children love to receive special credit for the good things that they do and we love to present them with awards for positive actions.

Children are presented with certificates in assembly each week for good behaviour or work. These certificates are awarded by all members of staff and presented by the headteacher.

Children who have 100% attendance in a term receive a certificate and a prize at the end of each term. These are given at the end of term assembly held in church in the presence of parents and friends.

Photo Gallery

Sometimes photographs explain more clearly events that happen throughout the school day and we regularly capture events in photographs.

School Clubs

We have a selection of lunchtime and afterschool clubs.

Our Staff

We have a very stable and friendly staff at our school.

Everyone tries their best to be helpful and friendly at all times.

Our Vision

  1. We want all our children to be happy, work, hard and play hard.
  2. We offer many opportunities that fall outside of the ‘everyday school timetable’
  3. We aim to ensure that all of the children leave us feeling confident in their own abilities to succeed.

Our History

The school was built in 1867 and is still housed in this building. It has been extended to provide for modern day needs, but we have tried to retain the historical character.

The children love looking at the old Log Books which are held in school.

View School’s Ofsted Report

Download Inspection Report

How to Contact Us

01234 838280


Church Road, Willington, Bedford
MK44 3QD