Willington Lower School operates within the National Curriculum Framework laid down by Central Government. We address much of our English and Maths teaching through the daily Literacy and Numeracy lessons. We aim to provide as broad and balanced a curriculum as possible by planning to incorporate Science and the foundation subjects of the National Curriculum in blocked units of work whilst some subjects are taught on a weekly basis.
Reception: 4 to 5 year olds children, KS1: 5 to 7 year olds, KS2: 7 to 9 year olds.
Our youngest children work towards the Early Learning Goals, which lead into the National Curriculum and prepare them socially, linguistically, mathematically, physically, emotionally and creatively for their futures. These goals are the same goals used in Pre-school and help children transfer their skills within this foundation stage. The curriculum is planned to meet children’s individual needs. Throughout the Foundation Stage, during the reception year, children are assessed informally using the Early Years Learning Goals. This is a list of competencies that all five year olds are compared against.
During Key Stage 1 pupils work through the programmes of study in ten National Curriculum subjects. They are taught knowledge and skills which are assessed by the teacher and formally assessed at the end of Year 2 when children are 6 or 7 years old. The results of these SATs (Standard Assessment Tests) are reported to parents/carers in the annual report to parents/carers along with your child’s end of year report. Year 1 pupils are formally assessed in the new DfE phonics tests and the results are shared with parents/carers.
Children enter Key Stage 2 at 7 years old when they are in Year 3. The curriculum continues to be delivered in a variety of ways. Some subjects are taught discretely e.g. Maths, English and Science, as these subjects form the core of your child’s learning. Other subjects may be taught through units of focused work, topics or themes. Teachers organise this work in meaningful, relevant and enjoyable ways through whole class lessons, group work and individual work. We have a whole school rolling programme of topics covered to avoid children repeating units of work.
Throughout the school pupils are ability grouped within their class to focus the teaching and learning more closely to the needs of each group. The groups are arranged on the basis of Standard Assessment Test results, and teacher’s continuous assessments. This is a continuous process and pupils move between groups according to their progress and needs. Year 4 are tested in Reading, Writing and Maths using optional tests. The results of these tests are also reported to parents/carers through your child’s end of year report.
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